...about building online empires with host Karina Lanting


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It’s me!

This episode features none other than yours truly.

I’m a business owner, full-time student, mama of three boys and help out in the local elementary school gardening program.

I’m all over systems and automation and am excited to share my FAVOURITE way to simplify and streamline your life-invite social marketing in!

I’m going to share all about social marketing today and how to create an online empire of your dreams, no matter how crazy-cat-lady-big they are.

Are you ready to learn how to

Build an Online Empire?


I have a small handful of things I’m really passionate about in life, and you just caught me with one of them.

Social Marketing has provided me with many luxuries I may have had to live without.

It’s currently paying my way through graduate school…

…and covering things like my three kid’s ski gear for the upcoming season.

Social Marketing has been a great way for me to earn an income, work in a field I’m passionate about and continue to grow…without having to invest large amounts of time or money.

Having said that…I hope you have listened to the podcast and are back here because you just totally dug what I was throwing down!

Thanks, Boo.

I have a bunch of resources I can share with you if you’d like, the easiest way to snatch them up is to visit my Work With Me page and fill out a request for more information, or book a time directly with my easy virtual assistant booking process.

All Discovery calls are confidential and non-obligatory. They not only help you figure out if this is something for you or not but also helps me refine my process and be able to help people the best I can.

Here are a few of the ideas I spoke about in the episode that you may want a reference for:

On why people start a social marketing company:

  • additional income stream

  • time freedom, to stop the time/money exchange

  • perks like: bonuses, car, travel, swag, free leadership training

  • can’t afford to start up their own business (certifications, licenses, financial risks)

  • International potential, not limited to your local market

On how we get paid:

  • commissions and overrides (selling products from online store)

  • bonus’

  • NEVER get paid for ambiguous things like ‘training’ or ‘sign-up bonus’”

What to look for in a company:

  • more than ten years in the industry

  • certifications that you recognize and can share confidentially

  • a compensation plan that you understand-if you don’t know how you are getting paid, it’s pretty hard to make bank, right?

  • perks like partnerships with charities, scholarships, and areas of interest to you.

These are just a few of the things I covered in this episode.

I hope that you’ll give it a listen and pop back in here to tell me what your favorite part about it was! The cursing? The content? The fact I finally got the next episode out?

Until next week…



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